How to Determine It’s Time for a New Website Design

It’s that time of the year again! Regularly checking how is your website working for the visitors, allows you to improve it for better results, and that includes adapting your web design to the digital innovations.

Your site should be functional in terms of content, design and user experience; but if you created it, you will probably believe it’s perfect the way it is because you know how to find everything on it.

However, there are some symptoms that many websites show off, and that are a clear signal of a disease we like to call: outdated web design

We have identified some symptoms below that may trigger your website to be outdated:

Your Conversion Rates Are Low

Independently of what your website offers, as a web owner, you expect a good Return On Investment (ROI). This is a Digital Marketing measure that evaluates how much you invest in your business and how much is coming back to your bank account.

When your ROI is low, or is not as high as you expected at the beginning, chances are your web design does not have what it takes to be a good website design.

To figure this out, you can check your site’s performance with Google Analytics; it allows you to see where your visitors come from, how they found you, how long they stay on your site for and which sections of it they click on the most.

If your web design is not good, most visitors will spend 10 seconds on your page and then they will close it. Basically, if your homepage is not well presented or if it does not show the most important parts of your business with the less amount of clicks possible, your visitors will not convert.

Your Site Takes Too Long to Load

A few months ago, Kissmetrics, the analytics platform based in California, reported that 40% of visitors abandon your site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

This means thousands and millions of losses every year! See it from your own experience, if you are searching for a product and the page you first clicked on does not load fast enough, what do you do? You close it and move on to the next one.

To check how much time a visitor stays on your site, you must verify your bounce rate, which is another measure of Digital Marketing to understand the percentage of single-page visits.

If your bounce rate is high, it means people are not staying on your page long enough, mostly because it takes too long to load and simply has them disengaged. You can view this in your Google Analytics account.

Your Site Is Not Responsive

These days many people use their to surf the net, but when they stumble upon sites that are not optimized for these type of devices, they close it immediately because it looks out of place and not user friendly.

Would you enjoy visiting a web page where you have to zoom in or out constantly? Or maybe with a terrible pop-up distribution? Of course not!

To see how well your site behaves in small screens and portable devices, just check it from your phone. Notice that it feels uncomfortable or that you have to make a lot of effort finding what you are looking for? Then it’s time to contact our team of web designers to convert your site to a responsive web design layout.

Your Visitors Can’t Find What They Need

As we mentioned before, you know your website better than anyone else, but for new visitors, the story is quite different.

When your web design layout is confusing, you force your users to scrutinize the site unnecessarily. And when they have to click too much or search for something that should be at first sight, visitors feel bothered and leave the site.

Your client’s time is precious, and you don’t want them to feel impatient, do you? That’s why your web design should be focused on the UX (User Experience), to make them feel at home and improve those conversion rates.

If your site presents one or more of these issues, it is definitely time to invest in a brand new web design. And if you are still not convinced, consider the fact that your competition may already be working on it as you finish reading these lines.

Fortunately for you, Design Point offers the best web design services in Melbourne. Let us create a completely functioning and appealing website for your business, and get ready to experience the highest ROI you have ever seen.