Why Build A Website With WordPress?

You have probably heard about WordPress and the craze around it. And just in case you haven’t, the best way to define it is as a content management system that is the most popular nowadays – and the easiest to handle as well.
Basically, WordPress is the platform that is used by more than 60% of the websites out there – in order to publish, edit and update content of all kinds and forms. It is the cornerstone of many websites out there.

Still, that does not answer the question why WordPress web design is a thing that every website owner should learn. Which brings us to the big question:

‘Why should I use WordPress and master web design on it?’

Luckily, we have the answers.


It Is Easy To Use And Can Be Accessed From Any Computer

First and foremost, WordPress is popular because of its accessibility. You can access it from any computer or device, with only being connected to the Internet. The web design platform is also intuitive and easy to use and adding blog posts, images and new pages is a true breeze.

No HTML Editing or Any Advanced Skills Are A Must

A thing that makes WordPress one of the most unique web design platforms is the fact that you don’t have to be a developer to master it. You can add new posts and change things with dragging and dropping and clicking on buttons – with no code required. And for all the coders out there, you can also use WordPress in backend mode.

Search Engines Love It

WordPress is considered as the best website design platform for SEO – or in other words – the must-have content management system if you want to rank high. Search engines love it because it is clean and simple and therefore easy to index.

It Is 100% Customizable And Controllable

With WordPress, you have full control of your website and should not wait for updates before making any change. You can shift through different themes, use different elements and customize your website as you wish. Also, you can use external plugins to receive email subscriptions, add your social media icons and extend many functionalities of your website.

Even if you decide to hire a WordPress expert in Melbourne to build your website, you can rest assured that customizing it and editing or adding new post will afterwards be easy for you.

In the end, WordPress is the simplest way to learn everything about web design and take full control of your website. So, why not start using it today – and start building authority online?