which social media platform should you invest in

Which Social Media Platform Should You Invest In?

Nowadays, social media marketing is a great way to promote your business and connect with different audiences worldwide. In this fast-paced world, less is more. You don’t need to bombard your audience with information or questions, but rather allow them to stay up-to-date with your brand by curating your social media content. Of course, advertising your business is necessary for customers to get to know the brand and what it offers.

One of the biggest challenges in the marketing industry is to keep the audience wanting more, and one way to achieve it is by building a high-quality website. Also, choosing a perfect platform to invest in plays a major role in building your brand and creating brand awareness.

It’s important to be unique and have a distinctive brand logo or creating a catchy phrase that’s related to your business and sums up your business strategy in just a few words. Social media marketing is a great way to converse with people who love your brand, by providing them with the relevant content they can relate to.

Writing blog posts, coming up with interesting Instagram captions and putting filters to enhance the mood are old tricks to impress your audience. Social media is your biggest friend when building a business. Apart from being useful and aesthetically pleasing, the content you put out needs to speak to the customers and evoke some type of emotion.

Today, some of the most famous social media platforms marketers use are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Since most Internet users turn to these apps for tips, recommendations and tutorials, currently these are the best options to build a strong relationship with your audience.

The above social media platforms are those you should keep an eye on if you want to speed up your brand’s growth. Let’s dive into what each of these platforms has to offer to the marketers and the audience.


With more than 2.7 billion active users, Facebook is a great place to turn some random website visitors into regular customers. Through Facebook advertisements you can reach a global audience and present your services in the best way possible.

Advertisements are strategically placed on Facebook Messenger and Facebook newsfeeds, so your online presence is increased and the brand is more visible to the targeted audience.


By sharing photos and videos on Instagram, your brand’s creativity really comes to light. With the aid of Instagram, building your brand’s voice has never been easier. Sharing the engaging content will take your brand to the next level.

Furthermore, choosing a team of marketing experts can make this process much easier and less time-consuming. It is highly important to encourage interaction through polls on Instagram stories and this way take the pulse of your customers.


The most important thing is to make the customer feel important and always welcome. Once upon a time, you needed to show hospitality when a person enters the store, and now you have to market the services better and improve your business’ customer service.

Social media marketers can help you create a profile or a group on LinkedIn, use polls, answer questions and ultimately advertise the product. Social media marketing is all about paying attention to clients’ opinion and listening to their advice on how to improve a product or a service.


YouTube is a community where differences are not only allowed, but also encouraged. Promoting different content and pushing different creators toward making their content more interesting, is what keeps YouTube users satisfied. Nowadays, YouTube has become a more modern medium that has replaced old-fashioned blogging.


Last but not least, this musical app can strike a cord with younger audiences with shorter attention span, also known as the Generation Z. On the other end of the spectrum, there are also millennials who are not interested in these types of apps.

Since the basic idea here is to give people the opportunity to express themselves in whatever way they want to in a 15-second video, it’s a great opportunity for your brand to become world-famous. For instance, in Malaysia, a McDonald’s challenge was to record yourself dancing to their chant, and win different prizes. By doing this, the customers were satisfied and they promoted the brand – the best of both worlds.


Social media has helped numerous businesses create a perfect online image and reach new heights. What are your thoughts on social media strategies and which ones are the best to employ? Talk to us about your needs and plans for the future so we can think of the best strategies to help your business bloom.